Friday, March 13, 2009

A New Creation, March 13

We celebrate the personal salvation experience as the apex of our spiritual journey. Indeed, the decision to follow Christ is the most important decision one can make, but there are many decisions along the Christ-path that call us to Christ-like action every day. Yes, we are made new when Christ comes to live within our hearts, but as the mercies of God are new every morning, with each day's grace comes the opportunity to be reborn in the image of Christ. This message of rebirth we live, but also share. This message moves us away from status quo toward the life changing pattern of Christ, because as Nouwen writes, "something great is coming of which we have already seen the first rays of light." By faith in Christ we have seen the "first rays of light." But something great is coming, and we can help point the way as disciples of the living Christ.


1 comment:

  1. ...if we pay attention, and not become complacent. Yet there's a balance - both convicted by Nouwen that I do not stay critical of the status quo in order to share Christ unceasingly, and your comments above, reminding me that we share by our very lives, the "many decisions...that call us to Christ-like action every day". This Lenten descent to the cross energizes me to find more opportunities to share this new path, the "something great that is coming!" ~ Pam
