Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March 10, The Way of Humility

Nouwen is right...who among us wants to be last? I suppose the case could be made that if you really don't want to do something, being the last to do it is an advantage. But following Christ is an intentional act where we are called to carry a cross willingly, not grudgingly. In Luke 9:23, Jesus says that taking up the cross is a daily act. This act of following Christ is unique to each believer. Nouwen speaks of the different ways people are called to this task. He writes, "The descending way is a way that is concealed in each person's heart." How does the humble path of Christ reveal itself in your heart? How is this "descending path" being expressed on your Lenten journey?

Slowly but surely, we have to clear the weeds, open the way, and set out on it unafraid.


  1. The descending way is not a one-way street, though I wish it were. Like weeds the distractions grow back, and through prayer, must be fought off daily. For me, Lent is my time of clearing the weeds within, and the Labyrinth and prayer are my tools. The wandering paths of the Labyrinth still the chatter, open my heart, provide structured time and silence to hear God's message. Monks had methods of daily ritual which provided time to pray in this way. Give us a daily Labyrinth, Lord, to face you "unafraid". ~ Pam

  2. Pam, The patterns change for most of us daily, but the pathway remains the same. God is at work in the changing and the unchanging.

