Wednesday, February 4, 2009


The writings of Henri Nouwen have challenged and encouraged people of faith for many years. His humble, insightful manner draws the reader in as friend and confidant, voicing the questions, struggles, and hopes that often mark our human experience. "Show Me the Way," published by Crossroads Publishing, is a compilation from fifteen of Nouwen's previously released works dating back to 1971. These reflections offer daily devotionals which include scripture, Nouwen's reflections, and a prayer.

Beginning Ash Wednesday, February 25th, a response to Nouwen's daily guide will be posted on this blog by 7 a.m. each morning. This is being done to draw our Westwood Baptist Church family into this Lenten journey, but is open to all who will read along and share. Copies of the book can be reserved and purchased for $12 through the church office at 703-451-5120, or you may pick the book up at Cokesbury or through on line sites such as

Pick up a copy and join us on along the way!

Jim Abernathy

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