Thursday, February 26, 2009

Choose Life, February 26

"Trusting in the unconditional love of God: that is the way to which Jesus calls us." (Nouwen, p. 16)

It is hard to accept unconditional love. Whether we are cynical about what motivates such love, or perhaps made uncomfortable by our own failures in light of it, we hesitate, sometimes even run from such love. Confronted by the unconditional love of the resurrected Christ, Peter struggled with the demands this love placed upon him. He had denied knowing Jesus, yet the risen Lord did not make his betrayal a barrier to love. Jesus called Peter to feed his sheep. There comes a point in our spiritual journey that we must allow the unconditional love of God to fully envelop us, and as a result, call us wherever God leads. It is a matter of trust and gratitude that enable us to acknowledge "that everything good, beautiful, and true comes from God and is offered to us in love." (p. 18) Deserved? No. Tranformational? Yes...without condition.


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